FaHCSIA – Helping Children with Autism

FaHCSIA – The Helping Children with Autism Initiative

FaHCSIA is a funding scheme for children who have been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Pervasive Developmental Delay (PDD). You are eligible to access this funding through Autism Victoria if your child is between the ages of 0-6 years and has not started full-time schooling. Some children are eligible for an extension of these criteria (up to the age of 7 years provided they have not started full-time school).

The funding is up to $6000 per financial year (up to a total of $12000) and is specifically for early intervention for the eligible child. You can access this funding only with registered health providers. Inpsytepsychology is registered to provide these services to eligible children.

How can I access this funding?

Amaze (Autism Victoria) is the overseeing body for the FaHCSIA Funding in Victoria.

If your child already has a formal diagnosis of ASD or PDD you can contact Amaze (Autism Victoria) to apply for this funding. They will discuss with you the requirements (including diagnosis, paperwork etc) that you need to submit with your application. Once your funding has been approved you bring your acceptance letter to Inpsyte Psychology, and we will explain the process once your child starts therapy under this funding.

If your child does not yet have a formal diagnosis of ASD or PDD you will need to speak with your GP who will provide you with a referral to a Consultant Paediatrician or Consultant Psychiatrist. If the Paediatrician or Psychiatrist decides further investigation is required they will then refer you to one or more allied health professionals (psychologists, speech pathologists or occupational therapists) to assist their diagnosis.

Once the diagnosis has been confirmed your Paediatrician or Psychiatrist will provide paperwork which you then provide to Amaze (Autism Victoria) as part of your application for funding. Once your funding has been approved, Amaze (Autism Victoria) will provide paperwork which you bring to Inpsyte Psychology.

How do I use the funding?

FaHCSIA funding can be used to access Psychology services at Inpsyte Psychology. All services utilised are paid for by your FaHCSIA funding – this means you have no out of pocket therapy expenses up to the $6000 threshold each year. If you exceed your $6000 threshold you will need to start paying via other means (see other funding options listed here for details).

You are also entitled to use a portion of your funding to purchase equipment or tools used as part of your child’s therapy. Books are not eligible to be claimed under this scheme.

FaHCSIA funding unfortunately cannot be used to pay for cancelled/ missed appointments or for subsiding a gap in a Medicare-funded service.

What if my child is not eligible for this funding?

There are other funding options available for children who do not meet the criteria for this funding package listed here on our website. Alternatively please call us to discuss your options.

Please contact Amaze (Autism Victoria) for details on eligibility for this funding or further information is available through the FaHCSIA: Helping Children with Autism website.