Beyond Blue provides information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live.

SANE Australia is a national mental health charity working to support four million Australians affected by complex mental illness.

The Black Dog Institute is dedicated to understanding, preventing and treating mental illness. The Black Dog Institute’s history reflects our continued determination to help everyone live mentally healthier lives.

ReachOut is Australia’s leading online mental health organisation for young people and their parents. Our practical support, tools and tips help young people get through anything from everyday issues to tough times.

PANDA – Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia supports women, men and families across Australia affected by anxiety and depression during pregnancy and in the first year of parenthood.

The Anxiety Disorders Association of Victoria is a not-for-profit, self-funded organisation. We provide support, information and resources to individuals suffering from or affected by anxiety, depression, and related issues.

We connect those in Victoria who are affected by eating disorders with the services, people and hope they need for recovery.

Advice, support and resources for Australians experiencing eating disorders. Eating disorder advocacy. Registered charity. Body esteem programs. Helping families & carers. Types: Eating Disorders, Anorexia, Bulimia, Body Image Issues.

The Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement (ACGB) is an independent, not for profit organisation which opened in January 1996. As the largest provider of grief and bereavement education in Australia, ACGB has been providing support for bereaved and grieving Australians for over 22 years.

WIRE stands for Women’s Information and Referral Exchange Inc, although we have now extended our service to respond to the needs of non-binary and gender-diverse people as well.

No to Violence works to bring about the changes our community needs to eliminate men’s use of family violence. For 25 years, we have been working directly with men who use family violence to support them to change.

We are the peak body for psychologists in Australia and represent over 24,000 members. We advocate for the profession of psychology, support high standards, promote community wellbeing, and are dedicated to providing benefits to support members.

We provide health and medical information to improve the health and wellbeing of people and the communities they live in. This information is: quality-assured and reliable, up-to-date, locally relevant & easy to understand.

Celebrating more than 55 years of service to the community, the Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF) is Australia’s leading organisation committed to preventing and minimising the harm caused by alcohol and other drugs.